What's New!
29.Nov.09: Well, it's been a few years since I lasted wrote something here, but let it be known I've never
really lefted. :)) I've been maintaining the this site in the background...quietly.
It's my prayer that, all has been well with you these past few years...may the light of GOD which is "Jesus the Lord" be
in your heart!
And may I repeat what I said in December 2005: "I'd like to wish everyone a most joyous
And please remember that this a season of Love, because GOD gave us his greatest gift: his son Jesus!!
Let us all, take a few moments from our busy shopping, to praise GOD for his many blessing that he has given
us over the past year! May you all have a happy and blessed holiday."
Also changed the music to a Christmas song called "Ave Maria" and added
the snowflake javascript to the site.
May GOD richly bless you and yours!
25.Jun.06: Exchanged the music to a Mech Warrior 2 tune which dates way back, tis' the main theme of the
game's splash / selection screen.
Also I've removed the Nedstat free tracker, because it was causing huge delays in
the main page loading / displaying and it was forcing popups on my non-popup website. A big no-no in my book...so its gotta
05.Mar.06: Changed the music to a Hexen tune, and removed the falling wintry snow flakes from the web-page
since we're so very close to Spring.
Lately I've found myself bitten with playing Mult-Player RPG games like "Ferentus,"
that's currently running as free-to-play beta online game. This the first game I've ever played where you need to always be
connected to the internet in order to play it. Tis a bit different from when I played
Diablo I / II, NeverWinter Nights, and Dungeon Siege where I could choose to play it
stand alone on my PC, and only connect it to the internet when I wanted to play the game with others. I guess the
main reason I've waited this long to try one, was the fact that I didn't what to get caught up in paying a monthly
fee. Of which if I stopped paying the fees...having all my hard work in building up my RPG character(s) deleted.
But to my surprise, "Guild Wars" is setup in a different way, where you just pay for
the software once, and from then on you're allowed to play over the web free without any fees...so far I'm really enjoyed it!
Plus I don't feel the need, nor do I feel like I'm being forced to play the game every night because of paying some monthly
fee, so I can just enjoy playing the game at my own pace.
08.Jan.06: Belated "Happy New Year 2006!"
Changed the music to a Anime tune's called
"Yume Miru Melody" from the Saint Tail Series
21.Dec.05: I'd like to wish everyone a most joyous
And please remember that this a season of Love, because GOD gave us his greatest gift: his son Jesus!!
Let us all, take a few moments from our busy shopping, to praise GOD for his many blessing that he has given
us over the past year 2005! May you all have a happy and blessed holiday.
Also changed the music to a Christmas tune's called "Ave Maria."
20.Nov.05: Changed the music for this month to a game I've never heard of before, the
tune's called "LeGend U-Battle." It's a very catchy tune!
24.Sep.05: Added one new image to the
"Dyriia Gallery" section to the
"Original Artworks - 21st Century" webpage, and changed the music for this month to
a tune from the "Vampire Princess Miyu" Anime series with a song called
"Mori Miyu."
11.Jul.05: My "D Programming Language" section is celebrating its 1st Anniversary...stop by and check it out.
Also changed the music for this month to a tune from the Slayers Anime series with a song called
11.Jun.05: Big artworks update this time around!! :)) I've added nine
new pieces into the second gallery, in which you'll see I've been pretty busy creating a new mascot character "Dyriia" for my
"D Programming Language" section. It shows images created as a work-in-progress that started in February thur April, and
the color scheme I finally decided on, which I colored in six of them. Enjoy!
Also I've changed the music to a tune from the Anime series Sailor Moon called "Carry-On."
21.May.05: Changed the music to a tune from the Anime series XenoGears called
I've noticed over the last few years, that almost nobody enters this site through the main site page anymore, these days most
people just Google-in, either by searching for some text of interest, or they're finding a image from the Google's image tab
based on a keyword. Neither way, I'm happy to have guests, but guess I just kind of missing the way it was a little.
Please enjoy your stay! :))
12.Apr.05: Added a new entry into the "Ripples" section, and updated
the "SpottedTiger's Profile" page with some images from the
Diablo and Diablo II games...the very games that spawned SpottedTiger
to life. Also changed the music to a tune from the Anime series Darkstalkers called "Morrigan."
19.Mar.05: Changed the music to a Trigun song called "The Last Donut."
Also, two weeks ago I added a couple of older pieces of artwork, and added a co-worker link. It's funny how, I'm just getting
around to pointing that out. :P
17.Feb.05: Changed the music to another SailorMoon song called "LaSoldier."
Hope everyone's enjoying 2005 so far! :))
If you've ever wondered what's up with this site? Well, I've been pretty busy the past seven or eight months updating my
"D Programming Language" section, which now shows a current Martian calendar date
and time based on "The Darian System" and javascript code created by Alan Hensel and Thomas Gangale. Check it out!
Changed the music to a SailorMoon song called "Eternal." Also, I'm still finding a few
pages that I missed in making them FoxFire v1.0 compatiable...so sorry if you find some that don't view correctly, I'll fix them
as I find them. :P
18.Dec.04: Changed the music to a Christmas song...edited most of the web pages to be compatiable with the new FoxFire v1.0 Browser.
Well, I wish you all the most wonderful Christ-mas Day (never take the Christ out of Christmas...otherwise it becomes meaningless)
and a very Happy New Year 2005!!
16.Nov.04: Updated more of the "D Programming Language" section pages, as well as changing the
music to an Anime theme song from the "Vampire Princess Miyu" series.
16.Oct.04: Updated some of the "D Programming Language" section pages, changed the music to
another "Descent 1" song...this time for "Level21," and fixed a few broken links.
01.Oct.04: Autumn
-(I Love the different colors)-
Added my falling leaves theme to the homepage, and changed the tunes to a "Descent 1 Level 8" song.
I'm really lovin' the cooler temps! Have a super nice Fall.
12.Sep.04: Currently all updates have been mainly going on in my "D Programming
Language" Section, it's truly been burning up all my free-time. But I do hope to get back to drawing and
writing some time before the end of the year.
The music was changed to a Asian-like song, but I can't seem find which game it might have come from...anyways hope you all enjoy it.
P.S. On 09.Sep.04, this has now been on the web six years...WOW!! Thank you all so much for visiting!
10.Aug.04: Well, the "D Programming
Language" Section is growing, and getting better all the time. If you haven't checked it out yet, please do.
(Just click on the new graphic image below and to the left of the main "StarGate" Portal image.)
Changed the music to a simply beautiful Final Fantasy IV song called, "Mysidia."
10.Jul.04: Ok, as promised I've build a "D Programming
Language" Section. Just click on the new graphic image to the left of the main
"StarGate" Portal image and you're in. It's a
bit "Bare-Bones" at the moment, but that will all change in the near future. Please
give me some feedback in my guest-book or sent me an eMail. Thxs in Advance!
I sure hope everyone is enjoying the new season
of "StarGate SG1" and its new spin off "StarGate Atantis" on the Sci-Fi channel!! Yeah Baby!
Also I've changed the music a Final Fantasy VI song called, "The Decisive Battle."
19.Jun.04: A co-worker friend of mine just recently released this fantastic game he been
working on for some time, called
"Wordcrafter : Rise of the WizORD". :))
Please, download it and give it a try!!
16.Jun.04: Added a link to CenterStormOnline in the
Poety / Other Fave Links page, it looks pretty Kool! Also changed the background music to a Final
Fantasy 7 song entitled "Birth of a god."
Hopefully soon ( as in a month or so, knowing me. :P ) I'm going to put up go a "D" Language Section, which
is this fantastic new programming language that "Walter Bright" is currently developing as a successor to C.
It looks very promising, and is currently in a pre-version v1.0 state (v0.92)...so stop over and check it
out at "DigitalMars D". :))
04.May.04: Updated a few of my current Art Links, changed the background music to a song entitled "Travels,"
And re-added the NedStat HTML that I pulled-out on the 19th of April because some page loading problem it was causing...
everything it seems to be fine again. :) Hope you all are enjoying Spring, cause Summer's hot temps are
just around the corner.
Also Ryuuen has changed the title of her HP from "Purple Pudding Productions" (which its been for five plus years)
to "Fat Cat Ate That," give her a visit. :)
19.Apr.04: Just mainly changing the background music to a song entitled "DarkLady,"
which I'm not really sure where I found this Mid...but I like! :))
Lately I've been pretty busy, and having a lot of fun at it, doing beta testing for some of the Unreal Tounament 2004
(it's First-Person shooter game for those who don't know what it is) Custom OnSlaught maps over at the
"Unreal PlayGround." It really "Wild" what some
people can come up with to put in their maps.
08.Mar.04: Yesterday I changed the background music to the Pocket Monster's "With the Wind," and because it
was so warm this whole past week... I decided to go ahead and pullout the falling snow javascript, since it
seemed like Winter was finally over!
(Yeah!, I know what yer thinkin'...how come I didn't update this page then? Well, to tell the turth I had family over
and couldn't finish what I had already started! :P )
Anywayz, today after work (evening-time around 7pm) it snowed heavily with quarter-sized snowflakes, course very
little of it struck to the ground...since it was still in the 40s. But, it was very strange to say at the very least.
Soon, Spring will be here!! :))
(Still, I think pretty it's safe to leave out the the falling snow javascript for now...don't you?) ;)
30.Jan.04: Not much of an update...just replacing the background music to XenoGears' "Mermaid," and fixing
a few Art Links.
01.Jan.04: Happy New Year 2004!!
(-my Christmas Tree, New Year's Eve 2003-)
29.Dec.03: Had to switch to "NedStat Basic v3.0" when my old "Tripod NedStat" collector died without any warning. Darn it,
five years of Stats losted! :( Oh well, the new one does get tons of more useful information...so I guess it's for the better.
:)) Also, I replaced the background music to DragonBall-Z's "Final Countdown," in which, I hope we all will refect upon
the events and things that we went through and did in 2003, and hopeful we can do things / handle events better in 2004.
Plus we should all learn to work toward loving each other a lot more, whether in our Familys, our Nations, and with other
around the World. That's my humble Prayer!!
13.Dec.03: Added a very Beautiful Art Exchange from Evey of my Mascot "SpottedTiger" to the Gift page. Thxs!! so much Evey
for creating this Lovely ArtWork. Also I've added a SpottedTiger Profile link to the "About Author" page, that gives a few
answers to some of the questions, some visitors may have had or wondered about this character's background.
01.Dec.03: Yet again I've been unable to draw something I'd like to place on my site...I've just been so busy at work,
that I'm having trouble getting my art ideas down on to paper. :(
On a happier note, I hope everyone had a Great Thankgiving and that you gave thanks to GOD for all your many Blessings!
I know personally, that I had so many things to thankful for: my family, my friends, my job, and etc...plus I'm also still
enjoying the left-over Turkey and Ham as well...:)) Now that Christmas is just around the corner, I've replaced the
background music to a wonderful Christ-mas song "O Come All Ye Faithful," and may we all be found "Faithful" to GOD's Word,
and to never replace the "Christ" in Christmas with an X (X-mas).
20.Oct.03: Well, I was hoping to draw out a few ideas and upload them to the site today, but I really didn't like the end results.
Anywayz, I am very hopeful that I'll have new artwork in my next update. Meanwhile, since it's getting a lot closer to Halloween (October 31)
I've replaced the background music to "Millia Rage" v2.0 from "Guility Gear X," which just seems to have that
"spooky dark castles"-like sound to it. :) Enjoy! And Thxs for visiting!
21.Sep.03: Autumn
-(I Love the different colors)-
Added an Exchange ArtGift I did of Evey's Holy Warrior character "Angiyous," and changed the Mid to Card Captors' "Open the Door."
Also I'd like to give a special thanks to everyone I invited to my 5th Anniversary, who took the time to visit, and write something
in my Guestbook..you guys are Great! I'm truly indebted to you all for your kindness! :))
5th Anniversary
Well, the 9th of September is finally here! But you know, it's still hard to believe that I started this
site some five years ago, of course I had a lot of encouragement from my fellow web artists / writers over the years,
and from guest visitors as well. Thanks everyone!! :)) Please take the time to visit each and every one of these
wonderful links below, because they need all the encouragement they can get too!
(Note: I used the banners I could find locally/on-the-web, and where a site is now missing... I either used an Alt site address,
or in the case of Rei's "SplashMaze" I used her blog. Umm! I couldn't find a banner for Josa's "Shards Of Souls," so
I used a text banner link instead.)
Shards of Souls
06.Sep.03: Yesterday night I decided to double-check all my "Fave Art Links," causes there are a
few Artist's HPs that seems to move often, so I wanted to make sure that I found / fixed any broken
Following my link to "Emiko's Genesis:"
I discovered that Ian Kim had yet again build another site...
which reminded me that I hadn't added the link to it. After about a half-hour of taking the time to look
it over really good, I decided to leave a few nice comments in his guest book. Then I decided to read some of
the other messages people left, following any HP links I found...and I ran across a few more site that I liked
so much, that I decided to add them to my link page. :))
So, please check these newly added art sites if you have the time:
Also I've added a Smiling Star ( ) after
the Author's name if they have a "Pitas / blog" diary, which if clicked on... will take you directly to their diary.
For example:
s e m p l i c e by Arianhrod
01.Sep.03: A few days ago, I decided that I should test this site a little heavier, by playing
around with changing to different screen resolutions...and was very surprised when I discovered
that my default 600 x 600 image of the "Magikal Star-Gate" was way too big for my minimum
target screen resolution of 800 x 600. :( Needless to say, the 600 x 600 really looked great with
my personal settings of 1280 x 1024...:)) Many hours later, after trying a few resized images of the
original, I found that a 450 x450 image would work best, but I still wanted to use the 600 x 600
for the higher resolutions. So I figured that I'd load the 450 x 450 image in the initial homepage
startup, and just use a little javascript to find the current client's screen width, after-which
I'd load the larger image if the width was greater than 800 onto the same page. But wouldn't you
know...that just would not work!! So, instead I stayed with the 450 x 450 image the initial HP,
and continued to use a little javascript to check the client's screen width, and decided that if
the width was over 1024...then and only then, I would reload the complete HP from a renamed
version of my homepage that kept the 600 x 600 image intact! :)) Yes! This seems to be working,
but only time will tell.
Also I'd like to give a special thanks to T J Daniels for being kind enough to double check my web
site, he searched around the whole site looking for any dead links, or problem areas. So Please,
visit his site at
"POETRY by T J DANIELS" and tell him I sent you. :)
25.Aug.03: I hate Ads, don't you?!? Five years ago when I created this site, I wouldn't have
believed just how bad things were going to get...it seems now that spam and popups are totally
out of control. Some sites I've been to popup as many as 3 or more windows at a time for each
web page, and even Tripod (my host) is getting worse. :P It's sort-of like a "WildFire" raging
out controlled! Anywayz, the whole idea that I had for this site, was a place to travel to
that was peaceful and calm...a place just to get away from your problems for a little while.
So, to show all my web-friends and new vistors just how
serious I am about my site and it's future (hope to be right here in another five years), I've decided
to update my Tripod Free account to a paid Tripod Pro account. Which stops the popup Ads, and also
gets me an additional Web Disk Space from 20MB to 50MB, and increases the monthly Bandwidth Traffic
allowed for a month from 1GB to 10GB. Woo-Hoo! Enjoy! :))
24.Aug.03: Well, the revamping of the Site is nearly done...which should be clear for
everyone to see, since I've been putting the completed pages up as I go. :) Which is good news,
because I really want everything up before my site reachs it's 5th Anniversary. Now, all I need to do
is focus on drawing a few new ArtWorks for my currently empty "Original ArtWorks Gallery 2" page,
and maybe even write up a few new poems as well.
On another note, you can sure tell that Summer is coming to an end...cause it's getting a
lot cooler at night. :) I can't wait for Autumn!
17.Aug.03: You may have notice that my web site is getting a 21st Century face-lift! :)
Yeah, I decided to revamp the whole site before I reach my 5th anniversary on the web (on the 9th of Sept.)...
WOW! Has it been that long?!? Anywayz, I hope to again breathe some new life into this site, with new artwork,
writing more poems, and to share my thoughts.
19.Jul.03: Added both Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's ShadowScapes
and Julie Dillon's DayDreamer to the Art Links Section, fixed some bad art links,
and changed the Mid that plays. (The latter is all I seem to be doing to
this site for some time now...but I promise that I do plan to start drawing again soon!)
04.May.03: Fixed some bad art links.