MKoD - D Programming Language
D-Sourcery, variant thru boxer lite, a super-short version of std.boxer in D - code-name BoxerLite.d
A boxer super-short struct example:
' Source : BoxerLite.d
' Author : Ben Hinkle
' Created : 06.May.05
' Modified : 22.Aug.06 David L 'SpottedTiger' Davis, changed the name from Box to BoxSS
' : so the name doesn't crash with the std.boxer when both are being
' : used...also compiled and tested with D v0.165.
' Ref : http://www.digitalmars.com/webnews/newsgroups.php?art_group=digitalmars.D&article_id=23294
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Note: A super-short variation of std.boxer using structs, and without the numeric casting.
' To complie for a unittest:
' dmd boxerlite.d -debug=boxerlite -unittest
' To compile a D program that uses boxerlite.d:
' dmd MySource.d boxerlite.d
module boxerlite;
struct BoxSS // Box Super-Short / SuperSport :)
TypeInfo ti;
private alias void[] _inline; // large enough to hold an array ref
void* ptr;
void[_inline.sizeof] data;
BoxSS opIndex(size_t i)
BoxSS[] b = unboxss!(BoxSS[])(*this); // throws if not ok
return b[i];
BoxSS opIndexAssign(BoxSS val, size_t i)
BoxSS[] b = unboxss!(BoxSS[])(*this); // throws if not ok
b[i] = val;
return val;
BoxSS boxss(...)
BoxSS res;
void doBoxSS(inout BoxSS b, void* argptr)
size_t s = b.ti.tsize();
if (s <= b.data.length)
b.data[0 .. s] = argptr[0 .. s];
b.ptr = argptr[0 .. s].dup.ptr;
if (_arguments.length > 1)
BoxSS[] b = new BoxSS[_arguments.length];
foreach(int k, TypeInfo ti; _arguments)
b[k].ti = ti;
_argptr = _argptr + ((ti.tsize() + int.sizeof - 1) & ~(int.sizeof - 1));
res = boxss(b);
res.ti = _arguments[0];
return res;
template unboxss(T)
T unboxss(BoxSS b)
if (typeid(T) is b.ti)
size_t s = b.ti.tsize();
if (s <= b.data.length)
return *cast(T*)b.data.ptr;
return *cast(T*)b.ptr;
throw new Exception("Unbox error to type " ~
typeid(T).toString() ~
" from " ~ b.ti.toString());
private import std.stdio;
private import boxerlite;
class Tester
private char[] s = "testme";
public char[] getvalue() { return s; }
int main()
writefln("boxerlite unittest done.");
return 0;
BoxSS b = boxss(40);
int val = unboxss!(int)(b);
BoxSS b2 = boxss("hello");
char[] str = unboxss!(char[])(b2);
assert(val == 40);
assert(str == "hello");
writefln("val=%d, str=\"%s\"", val, str);
BoxSS b3 = boxss(123.0);
double d = unboxss!(double)(b3);
assert(d == 123.0);
writefln("d=%f", d);
Tester o1 = new Tester;
Tester o2 = null;
BoxSS b4 = boxss(o1);
o2 = unboxss!(Tester)(b4);
assert(o2.getvalue() == "testme");
writefln("Object=\"%s\", s=\"%s"\", o2.toString(), o2.getvalue());
C:\dmd>dmd boxerlite.d -debug=boxerlite -unittest
C:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe boxerlite,,,user32+kernel32/noi;
val=40, str="hello"
Object="Tester", s="testme"
boxerlite unittest done.