MKoD - D Programming Language

WinNT / WinXP Console RainBow (Colored Text) example - code-name rainbow.d

Very Kool! Console RainBow of Colored Text example:

 * Program       : Rainbow.exe (a Windows' console colored text example)
 * Source        : Rainbow.d
 * Author        : David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis
 * Created Date  : 31.Jul.04 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.97
 * Modified Date : 18.Jun.05 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.127
 *               : 04.Jun.06 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.160
 *               : 21.Jan.07 Compiled and Tested with dmd v1.0 
 * Requirements  : and
 * License       : Public Domain
 * Note: wincon.d needs to be copied into C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\c\windows
 * To Compiled: C:\dmd_MKod_ex>dmd rainbow.d ..\src\phobos\std\c\windows\wincon.d
private import;
private import;

extern( Windows )
// -- WinBase.h --
enum : uint
    STD_INPUT_HANDLE  = -10,

    DWORD   Internal;
    DWORD   InternalHigh;
    DWORD   Offset;
    DWORD   OffsetHigh;
    HANDLE  hEvent;


HANDLE GetStdHandle
    DWORD nStdHandle

BOOL SetStdHandle
    DWORD  nStdHandle,
    HANDLE hHandle

BOOL WriteFile
    HANDLE hFile,
    LPCVOID lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
    LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped


HANDLE hStdout; 
HANDLE hStdin; 

// BLACK = 0 .. WHITE = 15
static char[][ 16 ] sColors  = 
    "Color Black\0",
    "Color Dark Blue:\0",
    "Color Dark Green:\0",
    "Color Dark Aqua:\0",
    "Color Dark Red:\0",
    "Color Dark Purple:\0",
    "Color Dark Yellow:\0",
    "Color Dark White:\0",
    "Color Gray:\0",
    "Color Blue:\0",
    "Color Green:\0",
    "Color Aqua:\0",
    "Color Red:\0",
    "Color Purple:\0",
    "Color Yellow:\0",
    "Color White:   \0"

int main() 

    CHAR   chBuffer[ 256 ]; 
    DWORD  cWritten; 
    DWORD  fdwOldMode; 
    WORD   wOldColorAttrs; 

    // Get handles to STDIN and STDOUT. 
    hStdin  = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); 
    hStdout = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); 
    if ( hStdin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hStdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetStdHandle", "Console Error", MB_OK );
        return 0;

    // Save the current text colors. 
    if ( !GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdout, cast(PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)&csbiInfo ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
        return 0;

    wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; 

    SetConsoleTextAttribute( hStdout, FG_Color.WHITE | BG_Color.BLACK );
    // Show all 16x16 (256) Foreground to Background colors in a Rainbow.
    for( int iz = 0; iz < 256; iz += 16 )
        for( int ix = 0; ix < 16; ix++ ) 
            // Start new line at item 5 and 10.
            if( ( ix == 5 ) || ( ix == 10 ) ) NewLine();
            SetConsoleTextAttribute( hStdout, ix + iz );
            WriteFile( hStdout, cast(LPCSTR)sColors[][ ix ], cast(DWORD)sColors[][ ix ].length, &cWritten, null ); 

    // Restore the original console mode. 
    SetConsoleMode( hStdin, fdwOldMode );

    // Restore the original text colors. 
    SetConsoleTextAttribute( hStdout, wOldColorAttrs );
    return 0;
} // end int main()

 ' The NewLine function handles carriage returns when the processed 
 ' input mode is disabled. It gets the current cursor position 
 ' and resets it to the first cell of the next row. 
void NewLine() 
    if ( !GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdout, cast(PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)&csbiInfo ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 

    csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.X = 0; 

    // If it is the last line in the screen buffer, scroll 
    // the buffer up. 
    if ( ( csbiInfo.dwSize.Y - 1 ) == csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y ) 
        ScrollScreenBuffer( hStdout, 1 ); 
    // Otherwise, advance the cursor to the next line. 
    else csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y += 1; 
    if ( !SetConsoleCursorPosition( hStdout, csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "SetConsoleCursorPosition", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
} // end void NewLine()

void ScrollScreenBuffer
    in HANDLE h, 
    in INT x 
    SMALL_RECT srctScrollRect;
    SMALL_RECT srctClipRect;
    CHAR_INFO  chiFill;
    COORD      coordDest;

    srctScrollRect.Left   = 0;
    srctScrollRect.Top    = 1;
    srctScrollRect.Right  = csbiInfo.dwSize.X - x; 
    srctScrollRect.Bottom = csbiInfo.dwSize.Y - x; 
    // The destination for the scroll rectangle is one row up. 
    coordDest.X = 0; 
    coordDest.Y = 0; 
    // The clipping rectangle is the same as the scrolling rectangle. 
    // The destination row is left unchanged. 
    srctClipRect = srctScrollRect; 
    // Set the fill character and attributes. 
    // (Trick: the foreground and background colors can be mixed together.)
    chiFill.Attributes = FG_Color.WHITE | BG_Color.BLACK; 
    chiFill.Char.AsciiChar = cast(char)' '; 
    // Scroll up one line. 
        h,               // screen buffer handle 
        &srctScrollRect, // scrolling rectangle 
        &srctClipRect,   // clipping rectangle 
        coordDest,       // top left destination cell 
        &chiFill );       // fill character and color 
} // end void ScrollScreenBuffer( in HANDLE, in INT )

Image: Console's example of the Rainbow text output. - 201Kb

Mars: fourth Rock from the Sun.