MKoD - D Programming Language

WinNT / WinXP Console input example - code-name winconsole.d

Very Kool!

An MSDN OnLine WinNT / WinXP Console converted to D example:

 * Program       : winconsole.exe (a Windows' console get text example)
 * Source        : winconsole.d
 * Author        : David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis
 * Created Date  : 29.Jul.04 Converted, Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.97 
 * Modified Date : 31.Jul.04 Minor changes.
 *               : 18.Jun.05 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.127
 *               : 04.Jun.06 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.160
 *               : 21.Jan.07 Compiled and Tested with dmd v1.0
 * Requirements  : and
 * License       : Public Domain
 *               :
 * Source From   : MSDN OnLine Example: "Using the High-Level Input and Output Functions" 
 *               :
 *               :      /base/using_the_high_level_input_and_output_functions.asp
 * Note: wincon.d needs to be copied into C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\c\windows
 * To Compiled: C:\dmd\MKOD_ex>dmd winconsole.d ..\src\phobos\std\c\windows\wincon.d
private import;

// Must copy from the site and place into the
// "C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\c\windows directory."
private import;  

extern( Windows )
// -- WinBase.h --
enum : uint
    STD_INPUT_HANDLE  = -10,

    DWORD   Internal;
    DWORD   InternalHigh;
    DWORD   Offset;
    DWORD   OffsetHigh;
    HANDLE  hEvent;


    DWORD  nLength;
    LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor;
    BOOL   bInheritHandle;


HANDLE GetStdHandle
    DWORD nStdHandle

BOOL SetStdHandle
    DWORD nStdHandle,
    HANDLE hHandle

BOOL WriteFile
    HANDLE hFile,
    LPCVOID lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
    LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped

BOOL ReadFile
    HANDLE hFile,
    LPVOID lpBuffer,
    DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,
    LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped

} // end extern( Windows )

HANDLE hStdout; 
HANDLE hStdin; 

int main() 

    char[] lpszPrompt1 = "Type a line and press Enter, or q to quit: ";
    char[] lpszPrompt2 = "Type any key, or q to quit: ";
    CHAR   chBuffer[ 256 ]; 
    DWORD  cRead;
    DWORD  cWritten; 
    DWORD  fdwMode; 
    DWORD  fdwOldMode; 
    WORD   wOldColorAttrs; 

    // Get handles to STDIN and STDOUT. 
    hStdin  = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); 
    hStdout = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); 
    if ( hStdin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hStdout == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetStdHandle", "Console Error", MB_OK );
        return 0;

    // Save the current text colors. 
    if ( !GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdout, cast(PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)&csbiInfo ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
        return 0;

    wOldColorAttrs = csbiInfo.wAttributes; 

    // Set the text attributes to draw red text on black background. 
    if ( !SetConsoleTextAttribute( hStdout, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY ) )
        MessageBoxA( null, "SetConsoleTextAttribute", "Console Error", MB_OK );
        return 0;

    // Write to STDOUT and read from STDIN by using the default 
    // modes. Input is echoed automatically, and ReadFile 
    // does not return until a carriage return is typed. 
    // The default input modes are line, processed, and echo. 
    // The default output modes are processed and wrap at EOL. 
    while ( 1 ) 
        if ( !WriteFile( 
                  hStdout,                       // output handle 
                  cast(LPCSTR)lpszPrompt1,       // prompt string 
                  cast(DWORD)lpszPrompt1.length, // string length 
                  &cWritten,                     // bytes written 
                  null ) )                       // not overlapped 
            MessageBoxA( null, "WriteFile", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
            return 0;

        if ( !ReadFile( 
                  hStdin,    // input handle 
                  cast(void *)chBuffer,  // buffer to read into 
                  255,       // size of buffer 
                  &cRead,    // actual bytes read 
                  null ) )   // not overlapped 
        if ( chBuffer[ 0 ] == 'q' ) break; 

    // Turn off the line input mode, and echo the input mode. 
    if ( !GetConsoleMode( hStdin, &fdwOldMode ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetConsoleMode", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
        return 0;

    fdwMode = fdwOldMode & 
    if ( !SetConsoleMode( hStdin, fdwMode ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "SetConsoleMode", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
        return 0;

    // Without line and echo input modes, ReadFile returns 
    // when any input is available. Carriage returns must 
    // be handled, and WriteFile is used to echo input. 

    while ( 1 ) 
        if ( !WriteFile( 
                  hStdout,                       // output handle 
                  cast(LPCSTR)lpszPrompt2,       // prompt string 
                  cast(DWORD)lpszPrompt2.length, // string length 
                  &cWritten,                     // bytes written 
                  null ) )                       // not overlapped 
            MessageBoxA( null, "WriteFile", "Console Error", MB_OK );
            return 0;

        if ( !ReadFile( hStdin, cast(void *)chBuffer, 1, &cRead, null ) ) break; 
        if ( chBuffer[ 0 ] == '\r' )
        else if ( !WriteFile( hStdout, cast(void *)chBuffer, cRead, &cWritten, null ) ) 
        if (chBuffer[ 0 ] == 'q' ) break; 

    // Restore the original console mode. 
    SetConsoleMode( hStdin, fdwOldMode );

    // Restore the original text colors. 
    SetConsoleTextAttribute( hStdout, wOldColorAttrs );
    return 0;
} // end int main() 

// The NewLine function handles carriage returns when the processed 
// input mode is disabled. It gets the current cursor position 
// and resets it to the first cell of the next row. 
void NewLine() 
    if ( !GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdout, cast(PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)&csbiInfo ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 

    csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.X = 0; 

    // If it is the last line in the screen buffer, scroll 
    // the buffer up. 
    if ( ( csbiInfo.dwSize.Y - 1 ) == csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y ) 
        ScrollScreenBuffer( hStdout, 1 ); 
    // Otherwise, advance the cursor to the next line. 
    else csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y += 1; 
    if ( !SetConsoleCursorPosition( hStdout, csbiInfo.dwCursorPosition ) ) 
        MessageBoxA( null, "SetConsoleCursorPosition", "Console Error", MB_OK ); 
} // end void NewLine()

void ScrollScreenBuffer
    in HANDLE h, 
    in INT x 
    SMALL_RECT srctScrollRect;
    SMALL_RECT srctClipRect;
    CHAR_INFO  chiFill;
    COORD      coordDest;

    srctScrollRect.Left   = 0;
    srctScrollRect.Top    = 1;
    srctScrollRect.Right  = csbiInfo.dwSize.X - x; 
    srctScrollRect.Bottom = csbiInfo.dwSize.Y - x; 
    // The destination for the scroll rectangle is one row up. 
    coordDest.X = 0; 
    coordDest.Y = 0; 
    // The clipping rectangle is the same as the scrolling rectangle. 
    // The destination row is left unchanged. 
    srctClipRect = srctScrollRect; 
    // Set the fill character and attributes. 
    chiFill.Char.AsciiChar = cast(char)' '; 
    // Scroll up one line. 
        h,               // screen buffer handle 
        &srctScrollRect, // scrolling rectangle 
        &srctClipRect,   // clipping rectangle 
        coordDest,       // top left destination cell 
        &chiFill );       // fill character and color 
} // end void ScrollScreenBuffer( in HANDLE, in INT )

Example output:

C:\dmd\MKoD_ex>bin\dmd winconsole.d
C:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe winconsole,,,user32+kernel32/noi;


Type a line and press Enter, or q to quit: Prompt is now waiting for my input.
Type a line and press Enter, or q to quit: Every character is typing in as RED. :)
Type a line and press Enter, or q to quit: q = Quit

Type any key, or q to quit: q

Mars: fourth Rock from the Sun.