MKoD - D Programming Language

Double-Metaphone example - code-name doublemetaphone.d

Very Kool! Double-Metaphone Algorithm by Lawrence Philips:

 ' Source        : DoubleMetaphone.d - A much better algorithm than Soundex() 
 '               : Converted from Lawrence Philips' CUJ June 2000 C++ "Double Metaphone" code.
 ' Version       : v0.1 Beta
 ' Author(s)     : Lawrence Philips for the "Original" C++ code, and
 '               : David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis for the D conversion of the C++ code.
 ' Date Created  : 20.Oct.04 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.102
 ' Date Modified : 22.Oct.04 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.104
 '               : 17.Jun.05 Compiled and Tested with dmd v0.127
 '               : 21.Jan.07 Compiled and Tested with dmd v1.0
 '               :
 ' Licence       : Public Domain for this D module, and the
 '               : "Double Metaphone" Algorithm is (c)1998, 1999 by Lawrence Philips.
 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ' References    : Philips, Lawrence. C/C++ Users Journal (CUJ), June, 2000
 '               : Philips, Lawrence. Computer Language, Vol. 7, No. 12 December 1990
 '               :
 ' Note          : Takes a word and returns one or two phonetic encodings for the word.
 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ' A link to the "Double Metaphone Search Algorithm" article:
 ' To Compile for Unittest:
 ' C:\dmd\MKoD_ex>dmd doublemetaphone.d -debug=doublemetaphone -unittest
module DoubleMetaphone;

private import std.string;
private import std.stdio;
private import std.stdarg;
private import std.ctype;

bool isVowelAt( in char[] sWord, in int iAt )
    char cIt;
    if ( ( iAt < 0 ) || ( iAt >= sWord.length ) )
        return false;

    cIt = std.ctype.toupper( getCharAt( sWord, iAt ) ); 

    if ( ( cIt == 'A' ) || ( cIt == 'E' ) || ( cIt == 'I' ) || 
         ( cIt == 'O' ) || ( cIt == 'U' ) || ( cIt == 'Y' ) )
        return true;
        return false;
} // end bool isVowelAt( in char[], in int )

bool doesAnyStringMatchAt( in char[] s, in int iStartAt, ... )
    char[] sArgVal;

    if ( ( iStartAt < 0 ) || ( iStartAt >= s.length ) )
        return false;

    for ( int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++ )
        // All arguments should be char[] only
        if ( _arguments[ i ] == typeid( char[] ) )
            sArgVal = *cast(char[] *)_argptr;
            _argptr += sArgVal.sizeof;
            if ( iStartAt + sArgVal.length > s.length )
                return false;
            if ( icmp( s[ iStartAt .. iStartAt + sArgVal.length ], sArgVal ) == 0 )
                return true;
    return false;
} // bool doesStringEqualAt( in char[], in int, ... )

bool isSlavoGermanic( in char[] sWord )
    char[] s = sWord.dup;
    s = std.string.toupper( s );
    if( ( find( s, "W"  ) > -1 ) || ( find( s, "K"    ) > -1 ) ||
        ( find( s, "CZ" ) > -1 ) || ( find( s, "WITZ" ) > -1 ) )
        return true;
        return false;

} // end bool isSlavoGermanic( in char[] )

char getCharAt( in char[] sWord, in int iAt )
    if ( ( iAt < 0 ) || ( iAt >= sWord.length ) )
        return cast(char)'\0';
        return sWord[ iAt ];

} // end char getCharAt( in char[] sWord, in int )    

debug( doublemetaphone )
int main()
    debug( doublemetaphone ) writefln( "unittest done." );

    char[] sWord;
    char[] sPrimary;
    char[] sSecondary;


    sWord = "Write";
    if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "GN", "KN", "PN", "WR", "PS" ) == true )
        writefln( "Match found at %d for one of the following: %s", 0, "GN,KN,PN,WR,PS" );
    if ( isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) == true )
        writefln( "\"%s\" is SlavoGermanic because one of following \"%s\" was found.", sWord, "W,K,CZ,WITZ" );
    if ( isVowelAt( sWord, 4 ) == true )
        writefln( "\"%s\" has a vowel in position %d", sWord, 4 );
    getDoubleMetaphone( sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    writefln( "sWord=%s, sPrimary=%s, sSecondary=%s", sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 

    sWord = "agencies";
    getDoubleMetaphone( sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    writefln( "sWord=%s, sPrimary=%s, sSecondary=%s", sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    sWord = "nelson";
    getDoubleMetaphone( sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    writefln( "sWord=%s, sPrimary=%s, sSecondary=%s; should=\"NLSN\"", sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    // Occasionally - "AKSN" and "AKXN"    
    sWord = "Occasionally";
    getDoubleMetaphone( sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    writefln( "sWord=%s, sPrimary=%s, sSecondary=%s; should=\"AKSN\", and \"AKXN\"", sWord, sPrimary, sSecondary ); 
    return 0;
} // end debug( doublemetaphone )

void getDoubleMetaphone( in char[] s, out char[] sPrimary, out char[] sSecondary )
    char[] sWord      = std.string.toupper( s ).dup;
    int    iCurrPos   = 0;
    int    iLen       = 0;
    int    iLast      = 0;
    bool   bAlternate = false;
    iLen = sWord.length;
    if( iLen < 1 )

    void addMetaph( in char[] s, in char[] sAlt = "" )
        if ( s != "" )
            sPrimary ~= s;
        if ( sAlt != "" )
            bAlternate = true;
            if ( sAlt[ 0 ] != '\x20' )
                sSecondary ~= sAlt;
        else if ( s != "" && ( s[ 0 ] != '\x20' ) )
            sSecondary ~= s;
    } // end void addMetaph( in char[] = "" )                  
    iLast = iLen - 1; // zero based index

    bAlternate = false;

    // skip these when at start of word
    if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "GN", "KN", "PN", "WR", "PS" ) )
        iCurrPos += 1;

    // Initial 'X' is pronounced 'Z' e.g. ( "Xavier" - "SF" and "SFR" )
    if ( getCharAt( sWord, 0 ) == 'X' )
        addMetaph( "S" ); // 'Z' maps to 'S'
        iCurrPos += 1;

    // main loop
    while ( ( sPrimary.length < 4 ) || ( sSecondary.length < 4 ) )
        if ( iCurrPos >= iLen )

        switch ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos ) )
          case 'A','E','I','O','U','Y':
              if( iCurrPos == 0 )
                  // all init vowels now map to 'A'
                  addMetaph( "A" );
              iCurrPos +=1;
          case 'B':
              // "-mb", e.g", ( "dumb" - "TM" ), already skipped over...
              addMetaph( "P" );

              if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'B' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
          case '\u00C7': // 0xC7 "Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla"
              addMetaph( "S" );
              iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'C':
              // various germanic
              if ( ( iCurrPos > 1 )
                   && !isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 2 ) 
                   && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "ACH" ) 
                   && ( ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 2 ) != 'I' ) 
                   && ( ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 2 ) != 'E' ) 
                   || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "BACHER", "MACHER" ) ) ) )
                  addMetaph( "K" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // special case ( "caesar" - "SSR" )
              if( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                  && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CAESAR" ) )
                  addMetaph( "S" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // italian ( "chianti" - "KNT" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CHIA" ) )
                  addMetaph( "K" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CH" ) )
                  // find ( "michael" - "MKL" and "MXL" )
                  if ( ( iCurrPos > 0 ) 
                      && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CHAE" ) )
                      addMetaph( "K", "X" );
                      iCurrPos += 2;

                  // greek roots e.g. ( "chemistry" - "KMST" ), ( "chorus" - "KRS" )
                  if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 )
                      && ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "HARAC", "HARIS" ) 
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "HOR", "HYM", "HIA", "HEM" ) ) 
                      && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "CHORE" ) )
                      addMetaph( "K" );
                      iCurrPos += 2;

                  // germanic, greek, or otherwise "ch" for "kh" sound
                  if ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "VAN ", "VON " ) 
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SCH" ) )
                      // ( "architect" - "ARKT" ) but not ( "arch" - "ARX" and "ARK" ), 
                      // ( "orchestra" - "ARKS" ), ( "orchid" - "ARKT" )
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "ORCHES", "ARCHIT", "ORCHID" )
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "T", "S" )
                      || ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "A", "O", "U", "E" ) 
                      || ( iCurrPos == 0 ) )
                      // e.g., ( "wachtler" - "AKTL" and "FKTL" ), ( "wechsler" - "AKSL" and "FKSL" ), 
                      // but not ( "tichner" - "TXNR" and "TKNR" )
                      && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "L", "R", "N", "M", "B", "H", "F", "V", "W", " " ) ) )
                      addMetaph( "K" );
                      if ( iCurrPos > 0 )
                          if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "MC" ) )
                              // e.g., ( "McHugh" - "MK" )
                              addMetaph( "K" );
                              addMetaph( "X", "K" );
                          addMetaph( "X" );
                  iCurrPos +=2;
              // e.g, ( "czerny" - "SRN" and "XRN" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CZ" ) 
                   && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "WICZ" ) )
                  addMetaph( "S", "X" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // e.g., ( "focaccia" - "FKX" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "CIA" ) )
                  addMetaph( "X" );
                  iCurrPos += 3;

              // double 'C', but not if e.g. ( "McClellan" - "MKLL" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CC" ) 
                   && !( ( iCurrPos == 1 ) 
                   && ( getCharAt( sWord, 0 ) == 'M' ) ) )
                  // ( "bellocchio" - "PLX" ) but not ( "bacchus" - "PKS" )
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "I", "E", "H" ) 
                      && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "HU" ) )
                      // ( "accident" - "AKST" ), ( "accede" - "AKST" ), ( "succeed" - "SKST" )
                      if ( ( ( iCurrPos == 1 ) 
                          && ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) == 'A' ) ) 
                          || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "UCCEE", "UCCES" ) )
                          addMetaph( "KS" );
                      // ( "bacci" - "PX" ), ( "bertucci" - "PRTX" ), other italian
                          addMetaph( "X" );
                      iCurrPos += 3;
                  {   // Pierce's rule
                      addMetaph( "K" );
                      iCurrPos += 2;
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CK", "CG", "CQ" ) )
                  addMetaph( "K" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CI", "CE", "CY" ) )
                  // italian vs. english
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "CIO", "CIE", "CIA" ) )
                      addMetaph( "S", "X" );
                      addMetaph( "S" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // else
              addMetaph( "K" );
              // name sent in ( "mac caffrey" - "MKFR" ), ( "mac gregor" - "MKRK" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), " C", " Q", " G" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 3;
              else if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "C", "K", "Q" ) 
                       && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "CE", "CI" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
          case 'D':
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "DG" ) )
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "I", "E", "Y" ) )
                      // e.g. ( "edge" - "AJ" )
                      addMetaph( "J" );
                      iCurrPos += 3;
                      // e.g. ( "edgar" - "ATKR" )
                      addMetaph( "TK" );
                      iCurrPos += 2;
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "DT", "DD" ) )
                  addMetaph( "T" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;
              // else
              addMetaph( "T" );
              iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'F':
              if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'F' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "F" );

          case 'G':
              if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos  + 1 ) == 'H' )
                  if ( ( iCurrPos > 0 ) 
                      && !isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) )
                      addMetaph( "K" );
                      iCurrPos += 2;

                  if ( iCurrPos < 3 )
                      // ( "ghislane" - "JLN" ), ( "ghiradelli" - "JRTL" )
                      if ( iCurrPos == 0 )
                          if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 2 ) == 'I' )
                              addMetaph( "J" );
                              addMetaph( "K" );
                          iCurrPos += 2;
                  // Parker's rule (with some further refinements) - e.g., ( "hugh" - "H" )
                  if ( ( ( iCurrPos > 1 ) && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "B", "H", "D" ) )
                      // e.g., ( "bough" - "P" )
                      || ( ( iCurrPos > 2 ) && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 3 ), "B", "H", "D" ) )
                      // e.g., ( "broughton" - "PRTN" )
                      || ( ( iCurrPos > 3 ) && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 4 ), "B", "H" ) ) )
                      iCurrPos += 2;
                      // e.g., ( "laugh" - "LF" ), ( "McLaughlin" - "MKLF" ), 
                      // ( "cough" - "KF" ), ( "gough" - "KF" ), ( "rough" - "RF" ), ( "tough" - "TF" )
                      if ( ( iCurrPos > 2 ) 
                          && ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) == 'U' ) 
                          && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 3 ), "C", "G", "L", "R", "T" ) )
                          addMetaph( "F" );
                          if ( ( iCurrPos > 0 ) 
                              && getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) != 'I' )
                              addMetaph( "K" );

                      iCurrPos += 2;

              if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'N' )
                  if ( ( iCurrPos == 1) 
                      && isVowelAt( sWord, 0 ) 
                      && !isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) )
                      addMetaph( "KN", "N" );
                      // not e.g. ( "cagney" - "KKN" )
                      if ( !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, (iCurrPos + 2), "EY" ) 
                          && ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) != 'Y' ) 
                          && !isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) )
                          addMetaph( "N", "KN" );
                          addMetaph( "KN" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // ( "tagliaro" - "TKLR" and "TLR" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "LI" ) 
                  && !isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) )
                  addMetaph( "KL", "L" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // -ges-,-gep-,-gel-, -gie- at beginning
              if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 )
                  && ( ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'Y' ) 
                  || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "ES", "EP", "EB", "EL", "EY", "IB", "IL", "IN", "IE", "EI", "ER" ) ) )
                  addMetaph( "K", "J" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // -ger-,  -gy-
              if ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "ER" ) 
                  || ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'Y' ) )
                  && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "DANGER", "RANGER", "MANGER" )
                  && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "E", "I" ) 
                  && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "RGY", "OGY" ) )
                  addMetaph( "K", "J" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // italian e.g, ( "biaggi" - "PJ" and "PK" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "E", "I", "Y" ) 
                   || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "AGGI", "OGGI" ) )
                  // obvious germanic
                  if ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "VAN ", "VON " ) 
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SCH" ) )
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "ET" ) )
                      addMetaph( "K" );
                      // always soft if french ending
                      if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "IER " ) )
                          addMetaph( "J" );
                          addMetaph( "J", "K" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              if( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'G' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "K" );

          case 'H':
              // only keep if first & before vowel or btw. 2 vowels
              if ( ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                  || isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) ) 
                  && isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) )
                  addMetaph( "H" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;
              else  // also takes care of "HH"
                  iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'J':
              // obvious spanish, ( "jose" - "JS" and "HS" ), ( "san jacinto" - "SNHS" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "JOSE" ) 
                  || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SAN " ) )
                  if ( ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                      && ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 4 ) == ' ' ) ) 
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SAN " ) )
                      addMetaph( "H" );
                      addMetaph( "J", "H" );
                  iCurrPos +=1;

              if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                  && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "JOSE" ) )
                  addMetaph( "J", "A" ); // ( "Yankelovich" - "ANKL" ) / ( "Jankelowicz" - "JNKL" and "ANKL" )
              // spanish pron. of e.g. ( "bajador" - "PJTR" and "PHTR" )
              else if ( isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) 
                       && !isSlavoGermanic( sWord )
                       && ( ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'A' ) 
                       || ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'O' ) ) )
                  addMetaph( "J", "H" );
              else if ( iCurrPos == iLast )
                  addMetaph( "J", " " );
              else if ( !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "L", "T", "K", "S", "N", "M", "B", "Z" ) 
                        && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "S", "K", "L" ) )
                  addMetaph( "J" );

              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'J' ) //it could happen!
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'K':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'K' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "K" );

          case 'L':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'L' )
                  // spanish e.g. ( "cabrillo" - "KPRL" and "KPR" ), ( "gallegos" - "KLKS" and "KKS" )
                  if ( ( ( iCurrPos == ( iLen - 3 ) ) 
                      && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "ILLO", "ILLA", "ALLE" ) )
                      || ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iLast - 1 ), "AS", "OS" ) 
                      || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iLast, "A", "O" ) ) 
                      && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "ALLE" ) ) )
                      addMetaph( "L", " " );
                      iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "L" );

          case 'M':
              if ( ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "UMB" ) 
                  && ( ( ( iCurrPos + 1 ) == iLast ) 
                  || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "ER" ) ) )
                  // ( "dumb" - "TM" ), ( "thumb" - "0M" and "TM" )
                  ||  ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'M' ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "M" );

          case 'N':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'N' ) 
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "N" );

          case '\u00D1':  // 0xD1 "Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde"
              iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "N" );

          case 'P':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'H' )
                  addMetaph( "F" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // also account for ( "campbell" - "KMPL" ), ( "raspberry" - "RSPR" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "P", "B" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "P" );

          case 'Q':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'Q' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "K" );

          case 'R':
              // french e.g. ( "rogier" - "RJ" and "RKR" ), but exclude ( "hochmeier" - "HKMR" )
              if ( ( iCurrPos == iLast )
                  && !isSlavoGermanic( sWord )
                  && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "IE" ) 
                  && !doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 4 ), "ME", "MA" ) )
                  addMetaph( "", "R" );
                  addMetaph( "R" );

              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'R' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'S':
              // special cases ( "island" - "ALNT" ), ( "isle" - "AL" ), 
              // ( "carlisle" - "KRLL" ), ( "carlysle" - "KRLL" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "ISL", "YSL" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 1;

              // special case "sugar-"
              if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                  && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "SUGAR" ) )
                  addMetaph( "X", "S" );
                  iCurrPos += 1;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "SH" ) )
                  // germanic
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "HEIM", "HOEK", "HOLM", "HOLZ" ) )
                      addMetaph( "S" );
                      addMetaph( "X" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              // italian & armenian
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "SIO", "SIA" ) 
                   || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "SIAN" ) )
                  if ( !isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) )
                      addMetaph( "S", "X" );
                      addMetaph( "S" );
                  iCurrPos += 3;

              // german & anglicisations, e.g. ( "smith" - "SM0" and "XMT" ) match ( "schmidt" - "XMT" and "SMT" ), 
              // ( "snider" - "SNTR" and "XNTR" ) match ( "schneider" - "XNTR" and "SNTR" )
              // also, -sz- in slavic language altho in hungarian it is pronounced 's'
              if ( ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                  && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "M", "N", "L", "W" ) )
                  || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "Z" ) )
                  addMetaph( "S", "X" );
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "Z" ) )
                      iCurrPos += 2;
                      iCurrPos += 1;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "SC" ) )
                  // Schlesinger's rule
                  if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 2 ) == 'H' )
                      // dutch origin, e.g. ( "school" - "SKL" ), ( "schooner" - "SKNR" )
                      if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 3 ), "OO", "ER", "EN", "UY", "ED", "EM" ) )
                          // ( "schermerhorn" - "XRMR" and "SKRM" ), ( "schenker" - "XNKR" and "SKNK" )
                          if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 3 ), "ER", "EN" ) )
                              addMetaph( "X", "SK" );
                              addMetaph( "SK" );
                          iCurrPos += 3;
                          if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                              && !isVowelAt( sWord, 3 ) 
                              && ( getCharAt( sWord, 3 ) != 'W' ) )
                              addMetaph( "X", "S" );
                              addMetaph( "X" );
                          iCurrPos += 3;
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "I", "E", "Y" ) )
                      addMetaph( "S" );
                      iCurrPos += 3;
                  addMetaph( "SK" );
                  iCurrPos += 3;

              // french e.g. ( "resnais" - "RSN" and "RSNS" ), ( "artois" - "ART" and "ARTS" )
              if ( ( iCurrPos == iLast ) 
                  && doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "AI", "OI" ) )
                  addMetaph( "", "S" );
                  addMetaph( "S" );

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "S", "Z" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'T':
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "TION" ) )
                  addMetaph( "X" );
                  iCurrPos += 3;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "TIA", "TCH" ) )
                  addMetaph( "X" );
                  iCurrPos += 3;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "TH" ) 
                   || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "TTH" ) )
                  // special case ( "thomas" - "TMS" ), ( "thames" - "TMS" ) or germanic
                  if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 2 ), "OM", "AM" )  
                       || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "VAN ", "VON " ) 
                       || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SCH" ) )
                      addMetaph( "T" );
                      addMetaph( "0", "T" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "T", "D" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "T" );

          case 'V':
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'V' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;
              addMetaph( "F" );

          case 'W':
              // can also be in middle of word
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "WR" ) )
                  addMetaph( "R" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;

              if ( ( iCurrPos == 0 ) 
                    && ( isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) 
                    || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "WH" ) ) )
                  // ( "Wasserman" - "ASRM" and "FSRM" ) should match ( Vasserman - "FSRM" )
                  if ( isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) )
                      addMetaph( "A", "F" );
                      // need ( "Uomo" - "AM" ) to match ( "Womo" - "AM" and "FM" )
                      addMetaph( "A" );

              // ( "Arnow" -  "ARN" and "ARNF" ) should match ( "Arnoff" - "ARNF" )
              if ( ( ( iCurrPos == iLast ) 
                    && isVowelAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) ) 
                    || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 1 ), "EWSKI", "EWSKY", "OWSKI", "OWSKY" ) 
                    || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, 0, "SCH" ) )
                  addMetaph( "", "F" );
                  iCurrPos += 1;

              // polish e.g. ( "filipowicz" - "FLPT" and "FLPF" )
              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, iCurrPos, "WICZ", "WITZ" ) )
                  addMetaph( "TS", "FX" );
                  iCurrPos += 4;

              // else skip it
              iCurrPos +=1;

          case 'X':
              // french e.g. ( "breaux" - "PR" )
              if ( !( ( iCurrPos == iLast ) 
                   && ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 3 ), "IAU", "EAU" ) 
                   || doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos - 2 ), "AU", "OU" ) ) ) )

              if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "C", "X" ) )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;

          case 'Z':
              // chinese pinyin e.g. ( "zhao" - "J" )
              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'H' )
                  addMetaph( "J" );
                  iCurrPos += 2;
              else if ( doesAnyStringMatchAt( sWord, ( iCurrPos + 1 ), "ZO", "ZI", "ZA" ) 
                        || ( isSlavoGermanic( sWord ) 
                        && ( ( iCurrPos > 0 ) 
                        && getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos - 1 ) != 'T' ) ) )
                  addMetaph( "S", "TS" );
                  addMetaph( "S" );

              if ( getCharAt( sWord, iCurrPos + 1 ) == 'Z' )
                  iCurrPos += 2;
                  iCurrPos += 1;

              iCurrPos += 1;

    //writefln( "*end* sPrimary=%s, sSecondary=%s", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    if ( sPrimary.length > 4 )
        sPrimary = sPrimary[ 0 .. 4 ];
    if ( bAlternate == true )
        if (sSecondary.length >= 4 )
            sSecondary = sSecondary[ 0 .. 4 ];
        sSecondary = "";    

} // end void getDoubleMetaphone( in char[], out char[], out char[] )

    debug( doublemetaphone ) writefln( "getDoubleMetaphone( in char[], out char[], out char[] ).unittest" );	
    char[] sPrimary;
    char[] sSecondary;	

    // "Occasionally" - "AKSN" and "AKXN"	
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Occasionally", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKSN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "AKXN" );
    // "antidisestablishmentarianism" - "ANTT" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "antidisestablishmentarianism", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ANTT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );

    // "appreciated" - "APRS" and "APRX" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "appreciated", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "APRS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "APRX" );

    // "beginning" - "PJNN" and "PKNN"     
    getDoubleMetaphone( "beginning", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PJNN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "PKNN" );

    // "changing" - "XNJN" and "XNKN"  
    getDoubleMetaphone( "changing", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XNJN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "XNKN" );

    // "cheat" - "XT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "cheat", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "dangerous" - "TNJR" and "TNKR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "dangerous", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TNJR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "TNKR" );
    // "development" - "TFLP"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "development", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TFLP" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "etiology" -  "ATLJ" and "ATLK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "etiology", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ATLJ" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ATLK" );
    // "existence" - "AKSS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "existence", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKSS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "simplicity" - "SMPL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "simplicity", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SMPL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );

    // "circumstances" - "SRKM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "circumstances", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SRKM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );

    // "fiery" - "FR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "fiery", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "FR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "february" - "FPRR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "february", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "FPRR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );

    // "illegitimate" - "ALJT" and "ALKT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "illegitimate", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ALJT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ALKT" );
    // "immediately" - "AMTT"    
    getDoubleMetaphone( "immediately", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AMTT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "happily" - "HPL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "happily", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "HPL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "judgment" - "JTKM" and "ATKM"  
    getDoubleMetaphone( "judgment", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JTKM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ATKM" );
    // "knowing" - "NNK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "knowing", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "NNK" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "kipper" - "KPR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "kipper", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KPR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "john" - "JN" and "AN"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "john", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "AN" );
    // "lesion" - "LSN" and "LXN" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "lesion", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "LSN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "LXN" );    
    // "Xavier" - "SF" and "SFR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Xavier", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "SFR" );    
    // "dumb" - "TM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "dumb", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );    
    // "caesar" - "SSR" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "caesar", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SSR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );    
    // "chianti" - "KNT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "chianti", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KNT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );    
    // "michael" - "MKL" and "MXL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "michael", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "MKL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "MXL" );    

    // "chemistry" - "KMST"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "chemistry", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KMST" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );
    // "chorus" - "KRS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "chorus", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KRS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );    

    // "architect - "ARKT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "architect", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARKT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" );    

    // "arch" - "ARX" and "ARK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "arch", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARX" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ARK" );    

    // "orchestra" - "ARKS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "orchestra", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARKS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 
    // "orchid" -  "ARKT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "orchid", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARKT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "wachtler" - "AKTL" and "FKTL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "wachtler", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKTL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "FKTL" ); 

    // "wechsler" - "AKSL" and "FKSL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "wechsler", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKSL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "FKSL" ); 

    // "tichner" - "TXNR" and "TKNR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "tichner", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TXNR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "TKNR" ); 

    // "McHugh" - "MK" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "McHugh", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "MK" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "czerny" - "SRN" and "XRN"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "czerny", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SRN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "XRN" ); 

    // "focaccia" - "FKX"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "focaccia", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "FKX" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "bellocchio" - "PLX"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bellocchio", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PLX" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "bacchus" - "PKS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bacchus", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PKS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 
    // "accident" - "AKST" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "accident", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKST" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "accede" - "AKST"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "accede", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AKST" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "succeed" - "SKST"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "succeed", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SKST" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "bacci" - "PX"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bacci", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PX" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "bertucci" - "PRTX"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bertucci", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PRTX" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

     // "mac caffrey" - "MKFR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "mac caffrey", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "MKFR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "mac gregor" - "MKRK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "mac gregor", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "MKRK" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "edge" - "AJ" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "edge", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AJ" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "edgar" - "ATKR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "edgar", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ATKR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "ghislane" - "JLN"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "ghislane", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JLN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // ghiradelli - "JRTL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "ghiradelli", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JRTL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "hugh" - "H"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "hugh", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "H" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "bough" - "P" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bough", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "P" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 
    // "broughton" - "PRTN"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "broughton", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PRTN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "laugh" - "LF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "laugh", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "LF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "McLaughlin" - "MKLF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "McLaughlin", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "MKLF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "cough" - "KF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "cough", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "gough" - "KF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "gough", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "rough" - "RF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "rough", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "RF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "tough" - "TF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "tough", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "cagney" - "KKN"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "cagney", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KKN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "tagliaro" - "TKLR" and "TLR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "tagliaro", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TKLR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "TLR" ); 

    // "biaggi" - "PJ" and "PK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "biaggi", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PJ" );
    assert( sSecondary == "PK" ); 

    // "san jacinto" - "SNHS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "san jacinto", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SNHS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // Yankelovich - "ANKL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Yankelovich", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ANKL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // Jankelowicz - "JNKL" and "ANKL" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Jankelowicz", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JNKL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ANKL" ); 

    // "bajador" - "PJTR" and "PHTR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "bajador", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PJTR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "PHTR" ); 

    // "cabrillo" - "KPRL" and "KPR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "cabrillo", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KPRL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "KPR" ); 

    // "gallegos" - "KLKS" and "KKS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "gallegos", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KLKS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "KKS" ); 

    // "dumb" - "TM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "dumb", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "thumb" - "0M" and "TM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "thumb", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "0M" );
    assert( sSecondary == "TM" ); 

    // "campbell" - "KMPL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "campbell", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KMPL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "raspberry" - "RSPR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "raspberry", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "RSPR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "hochmeier" - "HKMR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "hochmeier", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "HKMR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "island" - "ALNT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "island", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ALNT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "isle" - "AL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "isle", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "carlisle" - "KRLL" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "carlisle", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KRLL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "carlysle" - "KRLL" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "carlysler", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "KRLL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "smith" - "SM0" and "XMT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "smith", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SM0" );
    assert( sSecondary == "XMT" ); 

    // "schmidt" - "XMT" and "SMT"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "schmidt", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XMT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "SMT" ); 

    // "snider" - "SNTR" and "XNTR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "snider", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SNTR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "XNTR" ); 

    // "schneider" - "XNTR" and "SNTR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "schneider", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XNTR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "SNTR" ); 

    // "school" - "SKL"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "school", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SKL" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "schooner" - "SKNR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "schooner", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "SKNR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "schermerhorn" - "XRMR" and "SKRM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "schermerhorn", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XRMR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "SKRM" ); 

    // "schenker" - "XNKR" and "SKNK"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "schenker", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "XNKR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "SKNK" ); 

    // "resnais" - "RSN" and "RSNS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "resnais", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "RSN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "RSNS" ); 

    // "artois" - "ART" and "ARTS"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "artois", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ART" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ARTS" ); 

    // "thomas" - "TMS" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "thomas", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TMS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // Wasserman - "ASRM" and "FSRM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Wasserman", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ASRM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "FSRM" ); 

    // Vasserman - "FSRM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Vasserman", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "FSRM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // Uomo - "AM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Uomo", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // Womo - "AM" and "FM"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Womo", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "AM" );
    assert( sSecondary == "FM" ); 

    // Arnow -  "ARN" and "ARNF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Arnow", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARN" );
    assert( sSecondary == "ARNF" ); 

    // Arnoff - "ARNF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "Arnoff", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "ARNF" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "filipowicz" - "FLPT" and "FLPF"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "filipowicz", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "FLPT" );
    assert( sSecondary == "FLPF" ); 

    // breaux - "PR"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "breaux", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "PR" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "zhao" - "J"
    getDoubleMetaphone( "zhao", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "J" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // "thames" - "TMS" 
    getDoubleMetaphone( "thames", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    //writefln( "thames - \"%s\" and \"%s\"", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "TMS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "" ); 

    // a little different from the "DoubleMetaphone Test" results
    // at
    // ----------------------------------------------------------

    // "jose" - "JS" and "HS" (DoubleMetaphone Test got "HS" and "")
    getDoubleMetaphone( "jose", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    //writefln( "jose - \"%s\" and \"%s\"", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "JS" );
    assert( sSecondary == "HS" ); 

    // "rogier" - "RJ" and "RKR" (DoubleMetaphone Test got "RJ" and "RJR" )
    getDoubleMetaphone( "rogier", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    //writefln( "rogier - \"%s\" and \"%s\"", sPrimary, sSecondary );
    assert( sPrimary == "RJ" );
    assert( sSecondary == "RKR" ); 
    // ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^
C:\dmd\MKoD_ex>..\bin\dmd doublemetaphone.d -debug=Test -unittest
C:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe doublemetaphone,,,user32+kernel32/noi;

getDoubleMetaphone( in char[], out char[], out char[] ).unittest
unittest done.

Match found at 0 for one of the following: GN,KN,PN,WR,PS
"Write" is SlavoGermanic because one of following "W,K,CZ,WITZ" was found.
"Write" has a vowel in position 4
sWord=Write, sPrimary=RT, sSecondary=
sWord=agencies, sPrimary=AJNS, sSecondary=AKNX
sWord=nelson, sPrimary=NLSN, sSecondary=; should="NLSN"
sWord=Occasionally, sPrimary=AKSN, sSecondary=AKXN; should="AKSN", and "AKXN"

Mars: fourth Rock from the Sun.